The cryptocurrency market is valued at
$3.3T, and on average a
0.23% increase
over the last day. The total marketcap for stablecoins is
$232.5B. The total marketcap for
DeFi is $109.9B.
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The cryptocurrency market is valued at $3.3T, and on average a 0.23% increase over the last day. The total marketcap for stablecoins is $232.5B. The total marketcap for DeFi is $109.9B.
The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $123.7B. The total volume in DeFi is $6.4B, 5.20% of the total crypto volume. The volume for stablecoins is $44.2B, which is 35.76% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume.
Bitcoin's price is currently $97,464.00
BTC currently makes up 58.38% of the value of the crypto ecosystem, total ecosystem volume is currently $123,721,965,432.
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