Blockchain Data API

Some API calls are available with
CORS headers
if you add a &cors=true parameter to the GET request
Single Block
  • You can also request the block to return in binary form (Hex encoded) using ?format=hex
  "hash": "0000000000000bae09a7a393a8acded75aa67e46cb81f7acaa5ad94f9eacd103",
  "ver": 1,
  "prev_block": "00000000000007d0f98d9edca880a6c124e25095712df8952e0439ac7409738a",
  "mrkl_root": "935aa0ed2e29a4b81e0c995c39e06995ecce7ddbebb26ed32d550a72e8200bf5",
  "time": 1322131230,
  "bits": 437129626,
  "nonce": 2964215930,
  "n_tx": 22,
  "size": 9195,
  "block_index": 818044,
  "main_chain": true,
  "height": 154595,
  "received_time": 1322131301,
  "relayed_by": "",
  "tx": [
    "--Array of Transactions--"
Single Transaction
  • You can also request the transaction to return in binary form (Hex encoded) using ?format=hex
  "hash": "b6f6991d03df0e2e04dafffcd6bc418aac66049e2cd74b80f14ac86db1e3f0da",
  "ver": 1,
  "vin_sz": 1,
  "vout_sz": 2,
  "lock_time": "Unavailable",
  "size": 258,
  "relayed_by": "",
  "block_height": 12200,
  "tx_index": "12563028",
  "inputs": [
      "prev_out": {
        "hash": "a3e2bcc9a5f776112497a32b05f4b9e5b2405ed9",
        "value": "100000000",
        "tx_index": "12554260",
        "n": "2"
      "script": "76a914641ad5051edd97029a003fe9efb29359fcee409d88ac"
  "out": [
      "value": "98000000",
      "hash": "29d6a3540acfa0a950bef2bfdc75cd51c24390fd",
      "script": "76a914641ad5051edd97029a003fe9efb29359fcee409d88ac"
      "value": "2000000",
      "hash": "17b5038a413f5c5ee288caa64cfab35a0c01914e",
      "script": "76a914641ad5051edd97029a003fe9efb29359fcee409d88ac"
Chart Data
  "values": [
      "x": 1290602498,
      "y": 1309696.2116000003
Block Height
  "blocks": [
    "--Array Of Blocks at the specified height--"
Single Address
  • Address can be base58 or hash160
  • Optional limit parameter to show n transactions e.g. &limit=50 (Default: 50, Max: 50)
  • Optional offset parameter to skip the first n transactions e.g. &offset=100 (Page 2 for limit 50)
  "hash160": "660d4ef3a743e3e696ad990364e555c271ad504b",
  "address": "1AJbsFZ64EpEfS5UAjAfcUG8pH8Jn3rn1F",
  "n_tx": 17,
  "n_unredeemed": 2,
  "total_received": 1031350000,
  "total_sent": 931250000,
  "final_balance": 100100000,
  "txs": [
    "--Array of Transactions--"
Multi Address
  • Multiple Addresses Allowed separated by "|"
  • Address can be base58 or xpub
  • Optional limit parameter to show n transactions e.g. &n=50 (Default: 50, Max: 100)
  • Optional offset parameter to skip the first n transactions e.g. &offset=100 (Page 2 for limit 50)
  "addresses": [
      "hash160": "641ad5051edd97029a003fe9efb29359fcee409d",
      "address": "1A8JiWcwvpY7tAopUkSnGuEYHmzGYfZPiq",
      "n_tx": 4,
      "total_received": 1401000000,
      "total_sent": 1000000,
      "final_balance": 1400000000
      "hash160": "ddbeb8b1a5d54975ee5779cf64573081a89710e5",
      "address": "1MDUoxL1bGvMxhuoDYx6i11ePytECAk9QK",
      "n_tx": 0,
      "total_received": 0,
      "total_sent": 0,
      "final_balance": 0
  "txs": [
    "--Latest 50 Transactions--"
Unspent Outputs
  • Multiple Addresses Allowed separated by "|"
  • Address can be base58 or xpub
  • Optional limit parameter to show n transactions e.g. &limit=50 (Default: 250, Max: 1000)
  • Optional confirmations parameter to limit the minimum confirmations e.g. &confirmations=6
The tx hash is in reverse byte order. What this means is that in order to get the html transaction hash from the JSON tx hash for the following transaction, you need to decode the hex. This will produce a binary output, which you need to reverse (the last 8bits/1byte move to the front, second to last 8bits/1byte needs to be moved to second, etc.). Then once the reversed bytes are decoded, you will get the html transaction hash.
  "unspent_outputs": [
      "tx_age": "1322659106",
      "tx_hash": "e6452a2cb71aa864aaa959e647e7a4726a22e640560f199f79b56b5502114c37",
      "tx_index": "12790219",
      "tx_output_n": "0",
      "script": "76a914641ad5051edd97029a003fe9efb29359fcee409d88ac",
      "value": "5000661330"
  • Multiple Addresses Allowed separated by "|"
  • Address can be base58 or xpub
List the balance summary of each address listed.
  "1MDUoxL1bGvMxhuoDYx6i11ePytECAk9QK": {
    "final_balance": 0,
    "n_tx": 0,
    "total_received": 0
  "15EW3AMRm2yP6LEF5YKKLYwvphy3DmMqN6": {
    "final_balance": 0,
    "n_tx": 2,
    "total_received": 310630609
Latest Block
  "hash": "0000000000000538200a48202ca6340e983646ca088c7618ae82d68e0c76ef5a",
  "time": 1325794737,
  "block_index": 841841,
  "height": 160778,
  "txIndexes": [
Unconfirmed Transactions
  "txs": [
    "--Array of Transactions--"
  • Blocks for one day:$time_in_milliseconds?format=json
  • Blocks for specific pool:$pool_name?format=json
  "blocks": [
      "height": 166107,
      "hash": "00000000000003823fa3667d833a354a437bdecf725f1358b17f949c991bfe0a",
      "time": 1328830483
      "height": 166104,
      "hash": "00000000000008a34f292bfe3098b6eb40d9fd40db65d29dc0ee6fe5fa7d7995",
      "time": 1328828041
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